Asian Parliamentary Debate is a debate format, similar to American Parliamentary Debate, in which two teams of three compete in each match.
In Asian Parliamentary Style, there are 2 teams - Government and Opposition. Each team has 3 members and each team gives 4 speeches. The format is a limited preparation format, meaning that the topic is announced, depending on the tournament, roughly 30 minutes before the debate.
The 3 members of the Government should defend the motion. The 3 members of the team, each of which gives a 7 minute speech, are:
* 1) Prime Minister
* 2) Deputy Prime Minister
* 3) Government Whip
One speaker from the Government team - either the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister - is charged with giving a 4 minute reply speech that clarifies the debate from the Government perspective without bringing forth new arguments.
The 3 members of the Opposition team should negate the motion and refute arguments brought forth by the Government. The 3 members of the team, each of which gives a 7 minute speech, are:
* 1) Leader of Opposition
* 2) Deputy Leader of Opposition
* 3) Opposition Whip
Like the Government team, one speaker from the Opposition team - either the Leader of Opposition or Deputy Leader of Opposition - is charged with giving a 4 minute reply speech that clarifies the debate from the Opposition perspective without bringing forth new arguments.
In the 7 minute speeches, the opposing team can stand up and ask for Points of Information (POI) after the first minute and until the sixth minute. A POI should be a brief question or comment and not a long-winded monologue or back and forth cross examination session.
Roles of Speakers
Prime Minister (PM)
* Define context and parameters of debate. For example, in an open motion like "This House Would Support Musicians", the debate could be contextualized into whether music should be a commodity for trade, or it should be available free (i.e. free music download and transfer)
* Provide concise background or history leading to the issue
* Give framework of government bench's case. I.e. mechanisms (if any), argumentation flow (what the government's first argument is and what the Deputy Prime Minister will talk about)
* Introduce 1st argument
* Assert Government stand
Deputy Prime Minister (DPM)
* Rebut first argument from Leader of Opposition
* Rebut rebuttals to PM's argument
* Introduce 2nd and 3rd argument
* Reassert Government stand and case
Government Whip
* Rebut Deputy Leader of Opposition, and Leader of Opposition
* Rebut rebuttals to DPM and PM arguments
* Provide a deeper level of analysis for previous arguments and rebuttals
* No new arguments, but new angles of arguments should be given
* Brief summary of entire case of Government
* Reassert Government stand and case
Leader of Opposition
* Agree or disagree with context/ parameters of debate (any definitional challenges, accusations of squirreling, or unfair set up should be made from the LO speech and no later)
* Rebut Prime Minister's argument
* Give framework for Opposition case (if Opp agrees to problem, then their case should provide solution, or at least effectively highlight how Government proposal will worsen the situation)
* Introduce first Opposition argument
* Assert Opposition stand
Deputy Leader of Opposition
* Rebut DPM and PM arguments
* Rebut rebuttals to LO arguments
* Introduce 1st and 2nd (if any) argument
* Reassert Opposition stand and case
Opposition Whip
* Rebut DPM and PM arguments
* Rebut rebuttals to LO & DLO arguments
* Provide a deeper level of analysis for previous arguments and rebuttals
* No new arguments, but new angles of arguments should be given
* Reassert Opposition stand and case
Reply Speech:
* Can only be done by either 1st or 2nd speaker from each bench
* Provide a biased 'oral adjudication' of why the debate should go to own bench
* Highlight issues you think your side won, carefully tiptoe around issues you think you lost
* New examples to expand on discussed examples is usually allowed and makes the reply speech sound fresh as opposed to verbal regurgitation
* Reassert stand
Most importantly, try to have fun while you're doing all this. ;)
21 Oct 2009
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