2 Dec 2009

Life is so short

Saya pertama kali bertemu dengan Charles dan Linda Graham saat pasangan asal Amerika itu ikut serta dalam rombongan tur ke Eropa Barat yang saya pimpin, kira-kira 12 tahun yang lalu. Ketika itu mereka mengadakan perjalanan dalam rangka memperingati ulangtahun emas perkawinan mereka. Saya banyak berkomunikasi dengan mereka sebab mereka duduk di baris pertama pada bus yang kami kendarai sepanjang perjalanan, tepat di belakang bangku tempat duduk saya.

Selama 14 hari perjalanan mengunjungi 9 kota di 5 negara, pasangan yang sudah berusia lebih dari 70 tahun itu kerap menjadi perhatian saya. Bukan karena saya mengkhawatirkan kondisi fisik mereka yang mungkin kelelahan akibat perjalanan panjang, karena untuk ukuran kebanyakan orang seusianya, mereka tergolong cukup sehat dan lincah. Yang saya perhatikan justru bagaimana mereka tampak begitu menikmati setiap momen dalam perjalanan tersebut.

‘Pengamatan’ yang saya lakukan secara sembunyi-sembunyi terhadap mereka –entah dengan mencuri pandang melalui kaca spion bus yang kebetulan mengarah langsung pada mereka, atau memperhatikan bagaimana mereka berunding untuk menentukan mau pergi ke mana ketika acara bebas—membuat saya melihat ada sesuatu yang ‘berbeda’ diantara keduanya dibandingkan para peserta lain. Keduanya tampak sangat ceria, yang terpancar jelas dari raut wajah mereka yang sudah dipenuhi keriput.

Rasa penasaran saya atas pasangan Charles dan Linda belum sempat terjawab ketika perjalanan yang kami lakukan sudah harus berakhir. Seluruh rombongan berpisah untuk kembali ke tempat tinggal masing-masing, sementara saya melanjutkan hidup saya seperti biasa.

Setahun berikutnya, ketika ditugaskan untuk memimpin sebuah rombongan tur ke Eropa Timur, secara tak sengaja saya bertemu lagi dengan Charles dan Linda yang ternyata juga ikut serta dalam rombongan tur yang saya pimpin saat itu. Kali ini mereka melakukan perjalanan untuk merayakan ulangtahun perkawinan yang ke-51.

Lantaran sudah saling kenal sebelumnya, kami menjadi cepat akrab. Sebenarnya, saat itu saya hanyalah seorang tur leader pengganti lantaran tur leader yang seharusnya memimpin perjalanan tersebut mendadak jatuh sakit. Di awal perjalanan, saya berterus terang kepada para peserta tur bahwa saya kurang familiar dengan rute perjalanan kali ini.

Di luar dugaan, Charles secara diam-diam berbicara banyak tentang saya kepada para peserta tur lainnya berdasarkan pengalaman yang dialaminya saat ikut serta dalam rombongan tur yang saya pimpin setahun sebelumnya. Tentang bagaimana saya sudah menjadi tur leader yang menurut dia sangat baik dan caring serta berbagai hal-hal positif lainnya.

Berkat dia pulalah, sebagian besar peserta tur jadi memiliki penilaian positif terhadap saya. Konsekuensinya, saya jadi lebih tertantang untuk berbuat semaksimal mungkin, memberikan kualitas layanan yang terbaik dan memuaskan.

Pengalaman memimpin grup tur ke Eropa Timur saat itu adalah awal perjalanan karir saya sebagai seorang tur leader, namun justru di saat saya merasa banyak kemungkinan untuk melakukan kesalahan karena minimnya ‘jam terbang’ dan penguasaan medan, hampir seluruh peserta tur malah memberikan dukungan positif atas apa yang saya lakukan saat itu sehingga saya merasakan situasi yang nyaman sepanjang perjalanan tersebut. Dan semua itu disebabkan karena berbagai pernyataan positif yang disampaikan oleh Charles.

“Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk dijalani, kalau bisa membuatnya lebih indah, kenapa harus dijalani dengan airmata. Kalau bisa memotivasi orang lain dengan pujian, mengapa kita harus menyampaikannya dengan celaan?” demikian kata Linda saat saya menyampaikan terimakasih atas ‘promosi’ yang dilakukan suaminya untuk saya.

Prinsip life is too short yang dianut oleh Charles dan Linda itu membuat saya merenung tentang makna hidup yang sudah saya jalani saat ini. Usia pernikahan yang mereka jalani hingga sanggup mencapai angka di atas 50 tahun adalah suatu hal yang langka, dan menurut saya perjalanan hidup mengarungi kehidupan selama 70 tahun lebih bukanlah waktu yang singkat pula.

“Kita tidak pernah tahu kapan hidup ini bakal berakhir, kapan saat terakhir kita bakal bertemu dengan orang yang kita kasihi. Bisa saja besok saya atau kamu dipanggil Tuhan, dan alangkah menyesalnya kita ketika menyadari betapa banyak hal yang sebenarnya ingin kita capai, ternyata tidak pernah terwujudkan.

Jika setiap saat kita berpikir bahwa hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk dijalani, maka kita akan termotivasi untuk memberikan makna terbaik pada hari-hari yang kita jalani saat ini,” demikian ungkap Charles panjang lebar. “Dan jika pada kenyataannya kita diberi anugerah untuk menjalani hidup ini lebih lama, bukankah hari-hari yang sudah kita lalui bakal menjadi rangkaian kenangan nan indah?

Selama kehidupan pernikahan kami, rasanya kami tidak sempat meributkan hal-hal kecil karena waktu kami telah tersita dengan pemikiran bagaimana mengisi hari-hari ‘pendek’ kami dengan sebaik mungkin.”

Perkataan Charles dan Linda itu terus melekat di benak saya hingga kini. Prinsip hidup yang mereka anut telah berhasil mempengaruhi jalan pemikiran saya, sehingga sejak saat itu saya menjalani kehidupan dengan lebih bersemangat.

Ketika menikah beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya bersama istri juga telah bersepakat untuk menjalani kehidupan ini dengan prinsip ‘life is so short’. Setiap saat kami selalu berpikir bagaimana caranya agar mengisi hari-hari kami dengan sebaik mungkin. Peringatan hari ulang tahun saya dan istri, maupun ulangtahun pernikahan, kami menjadi ajang untuk introspeksi tentang hari-hari yang telah kami lewati bersama, sekaligus merencanakan apa yang akan kami lakukan untuk kurun waktu setahun ke depan.

Kami menjadi lebih ekspresif dalam mengungkapkan isi hati dan perasaan masing-masing dan tidak ragu-ragu untuk saling mempersembahkan yang terbaik dan berupaya untuk saling membahagiakan satu sama lain. Setiap kali ada konflik yang terjadi, kami berupaya untuk menyelesaikannya dengan sesegera mungkin.

Banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa kehidupan rumah tangga yang kami jalani barulah ‘seumur jagung’, sehingga saat ini kami baru menikmati yang manis-manis saja. Memang benar, selama hampir dua tahun kehidupan pernikahan kami, hampir bisa dipastikan kami jarang bertengkar. Perselisihan memang ada, namun kami berdua senantiasa mengupayakannya agar persoalan yang kami hadapi tidak melebar dan meluas ke mana-mana. “If you can make it simple, why make it hard?”, begitu kata Linda.

Apabila setiap saat kami mempertahankan prinsip yang sama dalam menjalani hidup ini, dan ketika nantinya kami dikaruniakan umur panjang untuk bisa merayakan ulangtahun pernikahan yang ke-10, 20, 30 atau bahkan yang ke-50 seperti Charles dan Linda, wow.... betapa bernilainya hari-hari yang telah kami jalani selama ini, dan betapa banyak kenangan indah yang telah terukir sepanjang kehidupan ini.

Dan kalaupun toh kami tidak dikaruniakan usia yang panjang, setidaknya kami berdua sudah pernah melewati hari-hari yang indah bersama-sama.

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya mendapat kiriman surat dari Linda (kami memang sering saling berkirim surat semenjak pertemuan kami di Eropa bertahun-tahun lalu). Di suratnya Linda menceritakan bahwa Charles telah meninggal dunia, beberapa saat setelah peringatan ulangtahun pernikahan mereka yang ke-62. Herannya, saya tidak menangkap kesan kesedihan di dalam suratnya tersebut.

Bahkan dia mengatakan bahwa mereka berdua sudah sejak lama bersiap menghadapi momen perpisahan yang tak mungkin terelakkan oleh manusia manapun di dunia ini. Linda mengungkapkan bagaimana beruntungnya mereka bisa melewati saat kebersamaan yang panjang, dan bersyukur atas begitu banyak peristiwa yang boleh mereka jalani berdua. Dan ketika memang ‘saat’ itu tiba, yang terungkap justru rasa syukur karena telah diberi banyak kesempatan untuk menjalani hari demi hari bersama dengan orang yang dicintainya.

When you think your life is so short and when you always keep trying to fill up your days with cheers and laughter; someday you’ll be amazed, how many great moments you’ve been through in your lifetime. Itulah kalimat penutup yang ditulis Linda Graham dalam surat terakhir yang dikirimkannya pada saya.

Ditulis oleh: Agung Basuki - www.travelhemat.com
( Traveller, writer and my friend)

31 Oct 2009

Making The Perfect Pitch

Although many business owners operate retail shops that focus on providing products for customers, some owners face the task of selling their services to prospective clients. While these services are needed, customers often shop around due to the fact they are not purchasing a tangible product they can see before they buy. This is why it is important that business owners are able to deliver the perfect pitch and close the sale.

Determine why your service is needed

Understanding the reasons behind the purchase is one of the key ways to ensure you make the perfect pitch as a business owner. For some business owners this will be obvious as clients purchase or inquire about their services due to something that has happened in their life or something they need. Lawyers are a great example of this as people seek them out when they are in trouble with the law or are forced to go to court. However, other business owners may not have it this easy with their potential customers. For example, advertising companies must often ask a lot of questions before they get to the truth behind why the business they are working with needs their help.

Know your target audience

As more information is provided about why a purchase is being made, you can begin to get to know your customers. This too is important in making the perfect pitch since many customers will purchase services or products based on a personal connection. While it may not be necessary to know the fine details of your customer's business, you should know them by name and treat them as though they are the most important customer in the world. Not only will this help to develop a pleasant and solid working relationship with the customer, but it could also potentially lead to additional business through word-of-mouth referrals.

Back up your words with print

Of course when making the pitch to the customer about why your services are better than your competitors it is important to use printed materials to back up what you are saying and even provide additional information. Most people don't pay companies and businesses for non-tangible services right away unless they are something they are going to use only one time. Instead they want time to think it over, and printed materials can be a great resource to use in these situations. Poster printing, flyers, brochures and more are excellent ways to keep your name and information in front of your customers even when they are in the comfort of their own home.

The perfect pitch is obtainable, and it something you must achieve if you offer services rather than products. Following the suggestions discussed here, you can ensure that your potential customers convert into actual clients that make your business profitable and allow it to grow.

21 Oct 2009

Asian Parliamentary Debate Guidelines

Asian Parliamentary Debate is a debate format, similar to American Parliamentary Debate, in which two teams of three compete in each match.

In Asian Parliamentary Style, there are 2 teams - Government and Opposition. Each team has 3 members and each team gives 4 speeches. The format is a limited preparation format, meaning that the topic is announced, depending on the tournament, roughly 30 minutes before the debate.

The 3 members of the Government should defend the motion. The 3 members of the team, each of which gives a 7 minute speech, are:
* 1) Prime Minister
* 2) Deputy Prime Minister
* 3) Government Whip

One speaker from the Government team - either the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister - is charged with giving a 4 minute reply speech that clarifies the debate from the Government perspective without bringing forth new arguments.

The 3 members of the Opposition team should negate the motion and refute arguments brought forth by the Government. The 3 members of the team, each of which gives a 7 minute speech, are:
* 1) Leader of Opposition
* 2) Deputy Leader of Opposition
* 3) Opposition Whip

Like the Government team, one speaker from the Opposition team - either the Leader of Opposition or Deputy Leader of Opposition - is charged with giving a 4 minute reply speech that clarifies the debate from the Opposition perspective without bringing forth new arguments.

In the 7 minute speeches, the opposing team can stand up and ask for Points of Information (POI) after the first minute and until the sixth minute. A POI should be a brief question or comment and not a long-winded monologue or back and forth cross examination session.

Roles of Speakers

Prime Minister (PM)
* Define context and parameters of debate. For example, in an open motion like "This House Would Support Musicians", the debate could be contextualized into whether music should be a commodity for trade, or it should be available free (i.e. free music download and transfer)
* Provide concise background or history leading to the issue
* Give framework of government bench's case. I.e. mechanisms (if any), argumentation flow (what the government's first argument is and what the Deputy Prime Minister will talk about)
* Introduce 1st argument
* Assert Government stand

Deputy Prime Minister (DPM)
* Rebut first argument from Leader of Opposition
* Rebut rebuttals to PM's argument
* Introduce 2nd and 3rd argument
* Reassert Government stand and case

Government Whip
* Rebut Deputy Leader of Opposition, and Leader of Opposition
* Rebut rebuttals to DPM and PM arguments
* Provide a deeper level of analysis for previous arguments and rebuttals
* No new arguments, but new angles of arguments should be given
* Brief summary of entire case of Government
* Reassert Government stand and case

Leader of Opposition
* Agree or disagree with context/ parameters of debate (any definitional challenges, accusations of squirreling, or unfair set up should be made from the LO speech and no later)
* Rebut Prime Minister's argument
* Give framework for Opposition case (if Opp agrees to problem, then their case should provide solution, or at least effectively highlight how Government proposal will worsen the situation)
* Introduce first Opposition argument
* Assert Opposition stand

Deputy Leader of Opposition
* Rebut DPM and PM arguments
* Rebut rebuttals to LO arguments
* Introduce 1st and 2nd (if any) argument
* Reassert Opposition stand and case

Opposition Whip
* Rebut DPM and PM arguments
* Rebut rebuttals to LO & DLO arguments
* Provide a deeper level of analysis for previous arguments and rebuttals
* No new arguments, but new angles of arguments should be given
* Reassert Opposition stand and case

Reply Speech:
* Can only be done by either 1st or 2nd speaker from each bench
* Provide a biased 'oral adjudication' of why the debate should go to own bench
* Highlight issues you think your side won, carefully tiptoe around issues you think you lost
* New examples to expand on discussed examples is usually allowed and makes the reply speech sound fresh as opposed to verbal regurgitation
* Reassert stand
Most importantly, try to have fun while you're doing all this. ;)

1 Aug 2009

Journey to Bromo - Tengger Crater

If Mount Semeru is well known with the highest peak in Java Island and Mount Merapi as the world's most active volcanic mountain, Mount Bromo is uniquely known because of its volcano inside a volcano. The Base of the Mountain rises from an ancient Tengger caldera.

Mount Bromo is one of the five mountains within the the Tengger caldera in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park located in East Java, Indonesia. With height 2,329 meters (7,641 feet) Mt. Bromo has a unique natural phenomena in from of a crater on the crater covered by sand sea.

Major access point to the National park is from Cemoro Lawang (northeast) of village Ngadisari 5.5 km from Probolinggo. Another trail is from Tosari (northwest) which is around 35 km from a town called Pasuruan through steep mountain road and spectacular scenery.

In Tosari, there are many cottages providing accommodations for travelers and hikers, as well as other services including small restaurants, shops and 4 wheel drive car rents.

From Tosari, we head to the Sea of Sands, forms the floor of the massive Tengger Caldera. The sandy region measures to 10 kilometers in diameter. Eruptions from the surrounding mountains spewing tonnes of volcanic rock which eventually became fine black sands as we see it today.

There are 5 volcanoes inside the caldera of black sands, Mt Bromo (2,329m), Mt Batok (2,470m), Mt Kursi (2,581m), Mt Watangan (2,661m) and Widodaren (2,650m) and of course the great Mt. Semeru or known as Mahameru at (3,676m) which ironically not within the black sea of sands.

Deep by the sea of sand lies Pura Luhur Poten, a Hinduism temple that holds a
significant importance to the Tenggerese tribe scattered across the nearby villages.
Apart from rituals, the temple host the annual Yadnya Kasada ceremony. The event lasts for about 1 month, which on the 14th day, the Tenggerese will congregate at Pura Luhur Poten to ask for blessings from Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa and God of Mahameru (Mt Semeru).

Then the mass will proceed along the crater edges of Mt Bromo where offerings of rice, fruit, vegetables, flowers, livestock and other local produce will be thrown into the deep gully. The offering service dates back to the time of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger who performed a sacrificial ritual of animals and plants in replacement of their 25th child who initially was supposed to be thrown into the crater.

To get to the peak of Mount Bromo itself, you can either walk or take a horse ride to the staircase of the mountain. Horse rides are operated by local Tenggerese youngsters that will cost you Rp. 30.000 at the most.

Then we use the concrete stairs up to the edge of the crater where you will see a large caving crater with smokes coming out of the bottom showing the active volcano.
From there you could enjoy one of the world's greatest volcanic mountain and the outstanding natural panorama they have surrounding the national park.

Trekking Mount Penanjakan (2.770m) is something you should not miss out on your visit. It is a popular vista or look out platform which enables us to view the massive Tengger Caldera. Before the viewing platform, there are plenty of shops selling gifts, foods and jacket rental for those who feels they may need extra layer of protection since weather there is cold enough to keep your fingers froze.

The vista viewing platform is indeed spectacular. To the south, you will see the massive Tengger Caldera, inside which the Sea of Sands stretches as far as your eyes could see. Also within this ancient crater you can see Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, Mount Kursi and the majestic Mount Semeru in the far horizon.

The view to the east is landscaped by Mount Argopuro (3,088m) and Mount Raung (3,332m), and if the weather is clear enough, you can see the western tip of Bali island. And try to look to the west where you can catch the glimpse of the twin peaks of Mount Arjuno (3,339m) and Welirang (3,156m) as the sun rising above the morning mist over the city of Malang.

Be sure to capture many pictures and videos as the journey ends. A last minute tips is always bring adequate clothing to keep you warm and enough food supply if you are camping out. Have a great journey!

30 July 2009

BATAVIA : A Stainless Love Tale

BATAVIA (Ballad of APIIT-UCTI Through All Variety of Indonesian Arts) is a drama musical theatre adapted from the well-known classic love story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. This world famous drama will be presented in a unique Indonesian version performed by the very students of APIIT-UCTI from various countries. The production composed of diverse features from all across exquisite Indonesian cultures, bringing together a never before reality-based play.

Narrated in English, the performance is packed with the familiar twisted love conflict where divergence perplexed over a dispute. The drama emphasizes on its role portrayal from all races, entertaining both students and public audience.

This event is open for public & students.
Ticket price is RM15/Person, bring along your friends.. :)

Performance Date :
Friday, 31 July 2009, Seating: 7 PM onwards.
Saturday, 1 August 2009 Seating: 7 PM onwards.
Show starts at 8:30pm sharp.

For more information about ticket & location please contact :
Hanna Rauda (+60 16 3140872)
Dwi Indah (+60 17 2068547)
Ike Yasinta ( +60 17 3473770)

supported by UCTI & DBKL.

25 June 2009

Journey to East Java, Indonesia

It's Friday, June the 12, 2009. I went for presentations in campus and finishes my day earlier and start packing as I make my way to the airport heading for Surabaya, Indonesia. I've booked a great deal of itinerary for my 10 days stay in the heart of Indonesia. Arriving at Juanda International Airport around 11 pm local time I claimed my baggage and went out of the arrival hall.

As soon as I went out, I can feel the hot air of Surabaya with many strangers hoping for you to enter their cab to wherever you want to go. I looked around for shuttle buses as I always took to continue my journey to my hometown which is 3 hours drive from the airport.

A taxi driver complete with his uniform and cigar on come approaching to me as I looked around for the shuttle bus. He asked me where I am heading, and nicely I replied that I am going for Batu with the shuttle bus. He told me that shuttle buses aren't allowed anymore to enter to the airport so instead he offered me to hire him for 500.000 rupiah (around 200 Ringgits) to get to my place. I thank him for the offer and left him without acceptance.

With the small changes left, I called a friend to ask him for a favor. But another guy come approaching to me. He must have heard where is my destination. He told me to look for shuttle bus agents near the ATM center as they will pick me you up from there. I got so relieved as I knew that I wont sleep in an airport with strangers that night. I hurried to the ATM center and found the drivers then got on the shuttle bus. Thank God for that!

That day I learn a lesson of being confident of yourself and never easily trust strangers who wanted to earn money from you. But I also learned that there are still honest and kind people in this world that doesn't see humanity as an economical opportunity.
Ooupps... I just remembered that I forgot to thank that kind guy. May God Bless him!

2 June 2009

FACT : Women are from Mens Rib

Our Prophet, Muhammad saw instruct us "Treat women with a good manner. Women are created from mans rib, its the most crooked part of its top. If you insist straighten it, it will be broken. But if you let it, it will be hooked forever. So advice to women in a good way! "(HR. Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Abi Shaibah, and Baihaqi)

Why is it that Rasullulah gives a great deal of attention to this matter? because the position of women, in the eyes of God is the same as men in terms of faith.

Women were created from a crooked rib, does not mean that women are crooked. But this is to distinguish the different functions of women and man.

And why is that crooked rib? Is not there are no other bones. If only the bones of the right breast it will be narrow, because the presence of women can give comfort where it is located.

Try to see the form of a rib that was crooked, he serves as the framework of preparing the body strength. So also the woman who can establish and enforce life.

With a crooked rib so many organs of protected. Women, can keep his family life, children are still weak.

Its curved shape is not the weakness of women, so he said to advise women of good things. This is to ensure that the lives of women is not broken, so it can run its main function as a mother, wife, and as her own man person. Because that is the duty of women which is given by God.

God has given strength to the women, as in the successor. Children who are both born from a mother who marvel nurture and raise them. It is also believed that Behind the success of her husband, lies a great wife that accompanies him.

Women should be treated well, so that the soul awakened with love and patience. Love and pity all the time in assisting children and their families without feeling of being abused.

10 May 2009

Best Short term ESL Job in Thailand

Best Short term ESL Job in Thailand - Earn USD 900 per month + Accommodation

Length of Position: 4 -5 months
Dates: September/October 2009
Places : Bangkok, Phuket, Chonburi, Hua Hin, Nakhon Pathom, Ayutthaya, Nonthaburi

Description: A unique opportunity to explore Thailand! Earn while you travel. JOB in 14 attractive locations in Thailand. Earn US$ 900 + per month + Accommodation. Assignment starts in September & October 2009.

What is it that draws thousands of people to Thailand? Is it the food, the shopping, the people, the beaches, the mountains, the temples or the culture? If you want to find out then you have to come to this amazing land yourself. Thailand embodies everything that is truly Asia. We at American TESOL Institute, one of the most trusted names in the teacher training world give you the opportunity to work and live and earn in Thailand for 5 months at a most nominal cost.

The first three weeks for the TESOL / TEFL program are spent at one of the most exotic locations in the world Phuket - The tiny island on the south western coast of Thailand is the dream destinations of travelers across the globe. The silver sand beaches, azure blue waters, green hills flowing into the sea, exciting water sports, friendly people and mind boggling array of food makes it one of the hottest destinations of the world. Therefore you not only enrich your mind on the TESOL course but also enrich your soul.

After the successful completion of the TESOL training you are qualified to teach anywhere in the world. But we save you the trouble of searching, applying and appearing for interviews by placing you directly into schools. Once again you have the privilege of exploring this beautiful country by working in a school in some other region for the next 4 months and earning US$ 900 per month. A pay that even experienced teachers are not offered. It is a chance to see the diversity within the same fabric of culture.

This time however you also will be applying all the classroom techniques that were taught to you on the course. Practically experiencing what was theoretically comprehended. At the same time it will be a rare opportunity to see the place up close and personally, since you will be working along and with the local people which no traveling package can offer.

So if you are a Native English speaking adult and have a degree in any discipline you are eligible to apply. You do not need any previous experience of work or the knowledge of a foreign language. All those who are teachers or want to be teachers, those who want to do something different, and those who want to bring some excitement into their lives the America TESOL Institute's TESOL certification program is for you.

The American TESOL Institute TESOL certification is recognized worldwide and will hold good even after the completion of this program. It is widely accepted and will be your entry into schools abroad and in your home country.

Job Details
* Salary - 900 USD per month
* Accommodation - Schools provides
* TESOL Training starts September or October 2009
* Accommodation during the course and during teaching assignment Provided
* Visa and Work permit - Provided
* Insurance - Provided
* Student's Age group - Most schools 12-18 yrs / Some schools Young learners
* Schools - Thai Government and Private Schools

Other Details
* The project includes 120 hrs of International TESOL Certification from American TESOL Institute
* The TESOL course is recognized world wide
* Free accommodation (double occupancy) at a beautiful resort of in Phuket during the course
* Free Airport Pick up
* Welcome dinner
* Assistance during your stay in Thailand
* Orientation on Thai culture and Thai Language on the first day of the project leading to an exhaustive TESOL program
* After the completion of the TEFL / TESOL course, a salary of 30,000 baht (currently US$900) per month + free housing
* Insurance, Work permit, Visa papers and Visa assistance for the TEFL trainee turned teacher.
* Unique cultural experience in interacting with the local people and while teaching in local schools.

For further Information visit : www.justtefl.com

22 Apr 2009


Today, We are silent
We are not talking about the past
Not even the future
Just let it flow in the hands of time
Because, we cant do anything for today

Today, we are silent
about the melancholy grief and hardship
we cannot do anyhting about it
let the tsunami occurs
Lapindo sludge dins
the large flood floods
landslides happens
disasters and catastrophies
just pretend its not set eyes
think it never happens

today, we’re silent
about democracy
about politics
the legislative parliament
about the general election
coz, they tend to disclaim their words
just think that we never even elected them

today we are silent
about the laws and criminalism
corruption cases everywhere
illegal loggings
bribeable prosecuters
lets just say, we never heard about it

Today we are silent
About the economic conditions
Global turnovers and inflations
Export and imports
People queued for petroliums
Let the police deal with the prostitute
Just seems to not understand them all

Today, we are silent
About the religion and beliefs
Because we’ve broke Gods commands
And because
silence is for the better

19 Apr 2009

7th ILF English Fiesta

ILF ( International Language Forum) of Muhammadiyah University Malang, is a student activity unit that specifies on foreign language, especially in English. In the history, this organization had a metamorphosis on its name from SEF (Student English Forum) to ILF. Lots of activities and achievements won by this organization have made UMM even more famous.

There are more prestigious achievements that awarded to ILF-UMM, which proves ILF as the one of the Student Activity Unit (SAU) in UMM with exceed quantity and in quality. Thought the past years ILF has developed tremendously in outraging many new potentials with great knowledge and skills on presentations, public speaking, debating and rhetoric.

As a member of the social organization communities both in debating and student empowerment, as well as celebrating ILF establishment (birthday) in showing our existence in the community, ILF is proudly to hold an annual event named "English Fiesta".

This year's, 7th English Fiesta will be held from May 1st - 4th 2009 in our prestigious campus Muhammadiyah University Malang (UMM). The event will include an English Debate Competition followed by university students from all over Java Island of Indonesia. A very wonderful event to extend our debating skills and not to forget get along and meet hundreds of university students in Java.

Located in the cold city of Malang and Batu, East Java. This years English Fiesta is going to be a great event for you all to participate. With lots of friends, fun and prizes, We welcome you to the 7th ILF English Fiesta, " Empathy of Humanity".

For informations on the event, please visit : www.englishfiesta.weebly.com

1 Apr 2009

Whats a PEST Analysis?

A PEST analysis is used to identify the external forces affecting an organization. This is a simple analysis of an organization’s Political, Economical, Social and Technological environment. A PEST analysis incorporating legal and environmental factors is called a PESTLE analysis.

The first element of a PEST analysis is a study of political factors. Political factors influence organizations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for organizations. Conversely they can place obligations and duties on organizations. Political factors include the following types of instrument:
- Legislation such as the minimum wage or anti discrimination laws.
- Voluntary codes and practices
- Market regulations
- Trade agreements, tariffs or restrictions
- Tax levies and tax breaks
- Type of government regime eg communist, democratic, dictatorship

Non conformance with legislative obligations can lead to sanctions such as fines, adverse publicity and imprisonment. Ineffective voluntary codes and practices will often lead to governments introducing legislation to regulate the activities covered by the codes and practices.

The second element of a PEST analysis involves a study of economic factors.
All businesses are affected by national and global economic factors. National and global interest rate and fiscal policy will be set around economic conditions. The climate of the economy dictates how consumers, suppliers and other organizational stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors behave within society.

An economy undergoing recession will have high unemployment, low spending power and low stakeholder confidence. Conversely a “booming” or growing economy will have low unemployment, high spending power and high stakeholder confidence.

A successful organization will respond to economic conditions and stakeholder behavior. Furthermore organizations will need to review the impact economic conditions are having on their competitors and respond accordingly.
In this global business world organizations are affected by economies throughout the world and not just the countries in which they are based or operate from. For example: a global credit crunch originating in the USA contributed towards the credit crunch in the UK in 2007/08.
Cheaper labor in developing countries affects the competitiveness of products from developed countries. An increase in interest rates in the USA will affect the share price of UK stocks or adverse weather conditions in India may affect the price of tea bought in an English cafe.

A truly global player has to be aware of economic conditions across all borders and needs to ensure that it employs strategies that protect and promote its business through economic conditions throughout the world.

The third aspect of PEST focuses its attention on forces within society such as family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and the media. Social forces affect our attitudes, interest s and opinions. These forces shape who we are as people, the way we behave and ultimately what we purchase. For example within the UK peoples attitudes are changing towards their diet and health.

As a result the UK is seeing an increase in the number of people joining fitness clubs and a massive growth for the demand of organic food. Products such as Wii Fit attempt to deal with society’s concern, about children’s lack of exercise.

Population changes also have a direct impact on organizations. Changes in the structure of a population will affect the supply and demand of goods and services within an economy. Falling birth rates will result in decreased demand and greater competition as the number of consumers fall.

Conversely an increase in the global population and world food shortage predictions are currently leading to calls for greater investment in food production. Due to food shortages African countries such as Uganda are now reconsidering their rejection of genetically modified foods.

In summary organizations must be able to offer products and services that aim to complement and benefit people’s lifestyle and behavior. If organizations do not respond to changes in society they will lose market share and demand for their product or service.

Unsurprisingly the fourth element of PEST is technology, as you are probably aware technological advances have greatly changed the manner in which businesses operate.
Organizations use technology in many ways, they have;

1. Technology infrastructure such as the internet and other information exchange systems including telephone
2. Technology systems incorporating a multitude of software which help them manage their business.
3. Technology hardware such as mobile phones, Blackberrys, laptops, desktops, Bluetooth devices, photocopiers and fax machines which transmit and record information.

Technology has created a society which expects instant results. This technological revolution has increased the rate at which information is exchanged between stakeholders. A faster exchange of information can benefit businesses as they are able to react quickly to changes within their operating environment.

However an ability to react quickly also creates extra pressure as businesses are expected to deliver on their promises within ever decreasing timescales..
For example the Internet is having a profound impact on the marketing mix strategy of organizations.

Consumers can now shop 24 hours a day from their homes, work, Internet cafe and via 3G phones and 3G cards. Some employees have instant access to e-mails through Blackberry but this can be a double edged sword, as studies have shown that this access can cause work to encroach on their personal time outside work.
The pace of technological change is so fast that the average life of a computer chip is approximately 6 months. Technology is utilized by all age groups, children are exposed to technology from birth and a new generation of technology savvy pensioners known as “silver surfers” have emerged. Technology will continue to evolve and impact on consumer habits and expectations, organizations that ignore this fact face extinction.

15 Mar 2009

Touch n Go, Malaysia's smart card for all

Touch 'n Go Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Rangkaian Segar Sdn Bhd) are the operator of Touch ‘n Go, SmartTag and The Central Clearing House System (CCHS).

Incorporated in October 1996 and officially launched its services in March 1997 at Metramac Highway and PLUS Expressways, TNGSB provides contact less means of fare payment services via a pre-paid e-payment card called the Touch ‘n Go card.

TNGSB holds the intellectual property rights to the Touch ‘n Go system, which is locally developed according to standard fare, the de-facto standard for contactless smartcard. This enables the company to modify, enhance and upgrade the system independently.

Touch ‘n Go is now the one and only Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) operator for all highways in Malaysia. It is also being accepted as the Common Ticketing System (CTS) for major public transports all over Malaysia.

This is to make card management convenient and financially sound, as the users do not have to carry multiple cards for different transportation services or being bonded by several financial commitments. Based on the Touch ‘n Go’s research and development, 4 millions people from 20 millions population use the card. (AbsoluteAstronomy.com, 2008)

As a service provider to the transportation users in Malaysia, Touch n Go has a non- direct intervention to the costumers physically or mentally. Unlike other services, the company delivers it service intangibly with low involvement of both service personal or customers. Instead, they are given an electronic card as a service equipment or tool to perform the services.

The service enhances the convenience and efficiency of paying for low-value but high frequency transactions. It is able to reduce the transaction time effectively at the point-of-usage and eliminate the hassle of preparing small change for the fare.
The card can b used through out Malaysia transportation services, tolls, and places where customers can meet the Touch ‘n Go sign as part of the company’s information role. This also shows how information becomes very essential towards the service. Information’s can be widely accessed in the company’s official website (www.touchngo.com) or brochures and call center..

Supplementary Product Elements
1.Smart Tag
Smart Tag is the Malay acronym for “Sistem Membayar Automatic Rangkaian Tol,” or literally means Automatic Payment System for Toll Network.

It is a vehicle on-board unit that works in combination with the Touch ‘n Go card to allow user to pay toll with drive-through convenience.

2.Manual Touch ‘n Go Card
Touch ‘n Go card is an electronic purse that can be used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports, selected parking sites and Theme Park. Touch ‘n Go uses contact less smart card technology. The card looks similar to a credit card. User can continue using the card as long as it is pre-loaded with electronic cash

3.Touch 'n Go Zing Auto Reload Card
The innovation is in the financial packaging of a credit card with Touch ‘n Go services to bring greater convenience to the customers. With Zing card, users can enjoy the Touch ‘n Go convenience without having to worry about insufficient card balance to pay for fares. Every time the card balance falls below a preset threshold, it will trigger the auto reload mechanism to top up the card

4.Fleet X’s
Fleet Xs is a post-paid corporate Touch ‘n Go card that is pre-loaded with electronic cash. Fleet Xs can be used at the following highways: PLUS, ELITE, Second Link, Penang Bridge, SHAPADU, SPDH (Seremban Port Dickson Highway), ECE (East Cost Expressway).

5.Biz Xs Card
BizXs is a post-paid corporate Touch ‘n Go card that is pre-loaded with electronic cash. It can be used to pay toll at all highways in Malaysia and selected business complexes equipped with Touch ‘n Go parking system.

Customer viewpoint
As the famous prepaid service, Touch ‘n Go has a lot of customers. Besides the benefits that given by the card, there are also some problems in the service. Some customers have given their viewpoint about Touch ‘n Go’s service.

Touch ‘n Go card can be used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports, selected parking sites, theme park and some fast food restaurants like Burger King and Dunkin Donuts. The card can be used as an integrated ticket in Kuala Lumpur public transport system. So the users don’t have to prepare for small change or wait in queue to get the ticket for example in the KL Monorail Station or toll and highways.

Also, with the introduction of Touch ‘n Go facilities at KLIA and LCCT since February 2008, customer can now enjoy swift access and exit at that parking areas.

In the other hand,some customers also said that it’s difficult to reload the card because reload facilities are only available at a few major railway stations, and not all of the highways. (mt.m2day.org, 2008)

The Touch ‘n Go card has a lifespan of 10 years from the year of issuance date. Thus, touch ‘n Go cards that exceeds more than 10 years from the issuance or date purchased is considered “expired”. Customers may experience difficulties of using the ‘expired’ card. For instance, usage failure at any point-of-usage such as tolls.

To renew the card, RM10 will be charged to customers. A lot of customers have complained about the charge for the renewal. Why do they need to pay for new card while even credit cards are free now.

The other problem that caused by the card is some customers are complained about reloading the card at ATM. Topping up the card at the ATM is very risky and we can lose some or even all the credit in the card, as well as will incur an additional fee of RM0.50 and RM1.00 at Cash Deposit Machine. (ipohchai.com, 2008)

Written For TnG Project.
November 30th 2008

3 Mar 2009

Life too short to live...

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. Life's too short to be anything but happy"

Life gives answer in 3 ways... It says Yes & gives u what u want, it says no and gives u something better, it says wait and gives u the Best!
What is trust ?? Trust is a feeling that a one year child has , when you throw him in air and catch again , and he enjoys it
The happiest people don't have EVERYTHING in life.They just make THE BEST of everything that life brings their way!STAY HAPPY ALWAYS By Pretty

To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.

*~Don't ask God for an easy life,ask him to make you a strong person~*
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note , today is cash...spend it wisely


Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring.
Enjoy Your Life Today Because Yesterday Has Gone and Tomorrow May Never Come.

Courtesy of : Nurmianti Hasibuan ( A great friend of mine)

1 Mar 2009

Money Talks, But Its not Loud Enough!

A theoretical study on the effectiveness of financial reward in motivating employee.

Many business managers today are not aware of the effects that motivation have a big role on their business, and it is therefore important they learn and understand the factors that determine positive motivation in the workplace. In his book, (Hunt, 1992), explain inspiring individuals to perform better (motivating) is probably the most important of the managers human skills. It is also possibly be the one providing the greatest return to the manager.

Motivating individuals means creating an environment in which they can satisfy their goals by adding energy and effort. Understanding motivation means understanding three links, they are; goal profile, energy and reward. (Hunt, 1992)
Ideally, managers would recruit individuals whose goals were the same as those of the organization. Managers would select those individuals with more energy to pursue these goals persistently, over a long period of time. Finally, they would have to design a reward system which allows individuals to achieve their goals while at the same time contributing to the goals of the organization.

Basically, there are two reward system used to motivate employee. Rewards can be given financially or non – financially. Financial rewards are a method that is most common when businesses rely on the quantity of the output of employees. For Instant, employees involved in production, could be issued a piece rate system where they are paid for each individual product they produce. In this case, they would be motivated to produce as much as possible in order to achieve a high pay. Managers also can motivate employee financially through paying schemes such as seniority based rewards, performance based, job status and skilled based rewards. (Mcshane and Von Glinow, 2003)

Whiles non financial rewards focuses on motivating employee without the monetary value as an objective. Managers can give employees more responsibility so that they feel their contribution is more valuable to the business and that their role is of higher importance. Examples are job promotions, enlargement, enrichment and rotations. (Mcshane and Von Glinow, 2003)

It is very essential for managers to choose the best reward system approaches to motivate their employees which also depends on the factors that the managers meets, such as company budget and business type. Arguments and discussion has been going on for long in deciding the most effective method to motivate employees.

According to Peter Drucker, ‘There is not one shred of evidence for the alleged turning away from material rewards. Antimaterialism is a myth, no matter how much it is extolled. In fact, they are taken so much for granted that their denial may act as a de-motivator. Economic incentives are becoming rights rather than rewards.' (Drucker, 1974)

In hence, Peter explains there is no doubt that we live in a money-motivated world. Any amount of human relations cannot compensate for a lack of monetary reward. If the reward is right, good human relations will give that extra zest to a team, motivating them to give of their best efforts. ‘Insufficient monetary reward cannot be compensated by good human relations’ (Drucker, 1974)

Ducker’s point of view is based on the theory of scientific management raised by Frederick Winslow Taylor who put forward the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay. One of Taylors basic assumptions on human behaviour at work is ‘Man is a rational economic animal concerned with maximising his economic gain’ This means that the main form of motivation is high wages, linked to output produced by the workers.

However, other theories have explained a very different prospective compare to what Taylor has conclude in his research. Thus, explains the possibility of money becoming a motivator but not as primary method to motivate the employee on their work performance.

Abraham Maslow along with Frederick Herzberg introduced the Neo-Human Relations School in the 1950’s, which focused on the psychological needs of employees. Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work. All of the needs are structured into a hierarchy and only once a lower level of need has been fully met, would a worker be motivated by the opportunity of having the next need up in the hierarchy satisfied. (tutor2u.net, 2008)

In this case, financial rewards is not the best motivator as it only full fills lower level needs as showed in the diagram. An example would be the need for self – actualisation which cannot be satisfied by financial rewards alone. The need for self – actualisation of an employee can be motivated by other factors like achievements recognitions and awards. Thus, make financial reward have to be considered twice in motivating employees. Frederick Herzberg in the Motivator-Hygiene Theory classifies money or financial rewards as a hygiene factor. ‘Financial rewards do not contribute significantly to job satisfaction; yet the absence of it will result in job dissatisfaction’.

In addition, Herzberg studied what people want from their jobs and classified them into two categories which are satisfier and motivators. Satisfiers are factors that people require from a job to justify minimum effort. These factors include working conditions, money and benefits. After employees are satisfied, however, just giving them more of the same factors don’t motivate them to work harder. Motivators are factors that stimulate people to put out more energy, effort, and enthusiasm in their job. He then concluded that at some stages, financial rewards only meet as a satisfier not as a motivator. (Pell, 1999)

Douglas McGregor in his Theory X makes assumption that the employees in lower level of organizations are motivated to work by financial rewards. He also make another assumption in this theory that people dislikes works and not ambitious, thus financial rewards will be the best motivating factors for this group of employees. For this group of employees, financial reward is a very effective motivating factor that motivates them to perform better in their job.

However, McGregor also comes up with Theory Y which makes assumption that employees in higher level of organizations are not solely motivated by financial rewards. He makes assumption that these groups of people are ambitious and are willing to accept more responsibility in their job. In this case, financial rewards will be insufficient to motivate the employees to perform better and will require proper job design and career planning to motivates them. (Mcshane and Von Glinow, 2003)

In practice, we have to admit that there is business that went to the peak by motivating employees through financial rewards. This is done in companies which their goals focus on the quantity of output made. A sales or marketing company in some ways would be effective to use this method to gain as much profits as possible, encouraging staffs to maximise the sales for a greater earnings.

In some cases financial rewards becomes effective. But in a more wider prospective for both the managers and employees, financial rewards isn’t the best effective ways to motivate the employees to extend their performance since there are high risk of possibility that financial rewards can fail to motivate as desired.
Williams Monahan, CEO of Oakdale, argued that ‘high performers don’t go for the money’. There are also quite a number of top managers who comment that financial reward alone is insufficient in motivating good employees. Thus, companies like Xerox do motivates their employees mainly by designing interesting and challenging jobs. (Mcshane and Von Glinow 2003)

In conclusion, even though in reality we face that financial rewards becomes a motivator, But researches and theories developed by experts as explained above shows that financial rewards doesn’t play a big important role to keep on motivating employees in job performance as they also need to have a psychological motivations like self actualisation and recognitions. Financial rewards aren’t the most effective way to motivate employees for a long period of time. Therefore, it is believed that money talks, but it does not talk loud enough.

Bukit Jalil, February 13 2009

Capacity to a Contract

One of the elements constitute a valid contract is the parties entering to the contract are those who have the competentcy of which is based on section 10 (1) of the Contract Act 1950 which stated “ All agreements are contracted if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contact, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void” Section 10 (1) Contract Act 1950.
A competent person to the contract is explained further to have the capacity of being an adult, having a sound mind and not forbidden to enter any contract by law.
This principle is based to the regulation which state that “Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject, and who is of sound mind, and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject”. Section 11 Contract Act 1950.
In Malaysia, the age of majority is recognized as above eighteen years of age as stated in the Age Majority Act 1971, “The minority of all males and females at the age of eighteen years and every such male and female attaining that age shall be of the age of majority.”
As an effect of section 10 and 11 of contract Act 1950, the court held in the case of Mohori Bibee V Dharmodas Ghose (1903), Tan Hee Juan V Teh Boon Kiat (1934) and Government of Malaysia V Gurcharan Singh (1971) that all such agreements are void. Therefore, all contracts entered by a minor is generally void and a minor cannot sue or be sued such void contracts
However, there are some exceptions towards a minor binding a valid contract. Under section 69 of Contract Act 1950, it is said “If a person, incapable of entering into a contract, or anyone whom he is legally bound to support, is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition in life, the person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such incapable person.” Under necessaries a minor can enter valid contract if only it is the basic need of the minor and suitable of his station in life or lifestyle.
Contract of Scholarship between a minor and the government or non governmental organizations is also valid under the section 4 (a) Contracts (Amendment) Act 1976 “the scholar entering into such agreement is not of the age of majority”.
Similarly, a minor may enter into a contract of marriage or divorcement as at section 4 (a) Age Majority Act 1971, “Nothing in this Act shall affect the capacity of any person to act in the following matters, namely, marriage, divorce, dower and adoption”.
Lastly, a minor may enter into a contract of insurance, pursuant to the Insurance Act 1966 (Revised 1972).

KL, November 11 2008

Dampak & Legalitas Tayangan Kekerasan di Televisi Nasional

Keberadaan komunikasi massa telah mengantarkan kita pada Global Village, sebuah perkampungan global yang menawarkan ruang tak terbatas, membuang sekat-sekat antarnegara dan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam satu persepsi sehingga persoalan-persoalan internasional dapat kita ketahui bersama. (Resensi : McLuhan - Zainurrazi)

Ini terjadi berkat revolusi informasi yang memasuki pelosok dunia lewat saluran layar televisi dan internet. Melalui bantuan teknologi mutakhir ini pula kita dapat mengakses berbagai berita mulai dari kebijakan pemerintah, kenaikan harga di pasar, perseteruan antarpemilik saham, gosip selebritas, pemerkosaan, seks bebas, hingga kriminalitas.

Hal ini, didukung pula oleh lahirnya kebebasan komunikasi massa dalam bentuk media massa cetak dan elektronik dari rahim Undang-Undang Penyiaran No. 32 tahun 2002 dan Undang-Undang Pers No. 40 tahun 1999 serta dibungkus dengan himpunan etika profesi wartawan (kode etik jurnalistik) bagi para pencari berita.

Sehingga, tidak heran kalau dewasa ini media massa cetak maupun elektronik berlomba untuk menayangkan variatif program untuk mendongkrak posisi rating mereka serta mendapatkan keuntungan sebesar – besarnya.

Salah satu bentuk pemberitaan adalah pemberitaan kasus kriminalitas seperti Patroli, Buser, Sergap, dan sejenisnnya. Penayangan adegan kekerasan semacam ini di sinyalir termasuk kekerasan media (media violence).

Baik dari sisi penayangannya di televisi nasional yang dapat diakses oleh hampir semua masyarakat, maupun dari segi bagaimana berita tersebut tercipta. Walau banyak yang telah mengkritisi tayangan kekerasan ini, namun, belum ada langkah tegas khususnya dari komisi penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) ataupun Dewan Pers untuk melarang penayangan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai kriminalitas media (media crime) ini.

Mungkin masih ada di benak anda kasus penayangan WWF / WCW (wrestling) atau pergulatan oleh Lativi beberapa waktu yang lalu. Setelah menuai banyak korban yang terluka bahkan meninggal dunia, penayangan program ini lalu dicekal oleh KPI dengan alasan melanggar Undang – undang pers dan penyiaran.

Secara umum tayangan seperti “Sergap” oleh Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) yang menayangkan berita kriminalitas harian memang termasuk media crime. Hal ini terbukti dengan berbagai pelanggaran atas peraturan penyiaran berita.

Pada saat itu, kami sedang mengamati tayangan dimana terdapat adegan beberapa orang polisi sedang mengejar seorang maling. Lalu sang polisi menembakkan timah panas ke arah kaki sang maling, untuk melumpuhkannya. Lalu sang maling dibawa ke kantor kepolisian setempat untuk di intrograsi dan dijebloskan ke penjara.

Ternyata adegan seperti di atas adalah fiktif. Dimana pihak kepolisian setempat ingin membentuk citra positif institusinya sehingga dikenal masyarakat luas telah berhasil menangkap maling dan mengamankan daerahnya. Sedangkan manfaat bagi wartawan adalah mereka mendapatkan berita yang memiliki nilai berita untuk mengejar deadline semata.
(Hasil wawancara dengan Frida Kusumastuti,Msi)

Perbuatan kedua belah pihak di atas telah mengabaikan regulasi yang berlaku hingga tayangan semacam ini menjadi bak salah satu bentuk polusi yang telah menodai dunia pertelevisian kita, hingga menjadikannya tidak lagi sehat untuk ditonton.

Terlebih lagi, cara memperoleh berita seperti demikian sangatlah berlawanan dengan Kode Etik Jurnalistik yang dikeluarkan oleh Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) berikut ;

Pasal 3, “ Wartawan Indonesia pantang menyiarkan karya jurnalistik yang menyesatkan memutar balikan fakta, bersifat fitnah, cabul dan sensasional.”

Pasal 7, “Wartawan Indonesia dalam memberitakan peristiwa yang diduga menyangkut pelanggaran hukum atau proses peradilan harus menghormati asas prduga tak bersalah, prinsip adil, jujur dan penyajian yang berimbang.”

Pasal 11, “ Wartawan Indonesia meneliti keberan bahan berita dan memperhatikan kredibilitas serta kompetensia sumber berita.”

Dan penyiaran acara ini di media massa termasuk sebuah pelanggaran atas UU. No 32 tahun 2003 pasal 36 dimana dinyatakan bahwa isi siaran harus mengandung informasi, dan pendidikan, serta harus netral dan tidak mengutamakan kepentingan golongan semata. Terlebih isi siaran dilarang bersifat fiktif (bohong), fitnah dan memonjolkan unsur kekerasan.

Maka, sudah seharusnyalah tayangan seperti ini di tindak secepatnya tanpa harus menunggu korban berjatuhan ataupun dampak – dampak negatif yang akan timbul sebagai hasil penayangan acara ini.

Sejak tiga dasawarsa terakhir penelitian mengenai dampak penayangan adegan kekerasan di media massa terhadap kesehatan jiwa khususnya terhadap peningkatan perilaku kekerasan pada khalayaknya, terutama anak-anak dan remaja, menunjukkan bahwa penyajian agresi pada televisi meningkatkan agresi penontonnya pula.

The National Institute of Mental Health di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, melaporkan bahwa hal penting akibat pemaparan kekerasan pada media massa adalah adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara tayangan kekerasan di media massa dan peningkatan perilaku agresif pada pemirsa.
(Agung Frijanto- Koran Tempo)

Selain itu, peliputan kriminalitas membawa dampak negatif dalam masyarakat. Misalnya, sering kita saksikan dalam tayangan televisi seorang pencuri motor dikeroyok massa, kemudian dibakar hidup-hidup selain dianiaya dan dipukul dengan benda-benda keras sampai babak belur hingga bersimbah darah. Lalu, tayangan televisi menvisualisasikan tindakan kepolisian terhadap para pelaku kriminalitas dengan menembak kaki , sehingga lumpuh dan berlumuran darah yang kemudian diseret dan dipukuli.

Berbagai tayangan kekerasan yang disaksikan masyarakat mengindikasikan kriminalitas tidak lagi dianggap sebagai suatu yang menakutkan atau mengerikan tetapi justru dianggap sebagai hal biasa bahkan merupakan hiburan. (Agung Frijanto- Koran Tempo)

Menurut Guru Besar Hukum Pidana UI, Prof. DR. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, yang terjadi sekarang ini tidak hanya dekriminalisasi tapi berkembang menjadi dissensitifikasi. Yaitu tindakan kriminal yang tidak lagi dipandang sebagai suatu kejahatan yang harus dihindari tetapi suatu hiburan karena disuguhkan atau disajikan sedemikian rupa. Jadi dengan kata lain masyarakat tidak lagi sensitif terhadap tindak kejahatan atau kekerasan, karena tayangan-tayangan yang vulgar menyebabkan masyarakat terbiasa dengan tindakan kekerasan. (Harian Sinar Harapan)

Bahkan, para penonton acara berita kriminalitas tersebut dapat pula mendapatkan pelajaran untuk ikut melakukan kegiatan kriminalitas tersebut. Karena, secara kodrat, manusia adalah amkhluk peniru (imitative human). Bukan mustahil apabila mereka menirukan tindakan – tindakan kekerasan tersebut.

Maraknya tindakan kekerasan di masyarakat mungkin terjadi dari hasil imitasi tayangan televisi di Buser, Sergap, Brutal, Reportase, Derap Hukum, jejak dan sebagainya. Sehingga tayangan ini haruslah dihentikan demi menjaga kebersihan dunia pertelevisian Indonesia. Karena, selian melanggar undang – undang penyiaran yang berlaku, berita kriminalitas yang mengvisualisasikan kekerasan ini membawa dampak negatif yang jauh lebih berbahaya. Sudah saatnya KPI mengeluarkan surat teguran untuk tayangan ini. Untuk menyelamatkan generasi bangsa mendatang


Malang, 20 Juni 2008

National Exam is Just a Big Burden

There are many arguments for and against the government regulation to held national examinations for students as a parameter to determine their high school level completion. Moreover, the ministry of education raised up the passing grade standard and add the amount of subjects tested from three to six different subjects in the 2008 examination.

Those who agrees with the decision said that our national education should be better so that the national exam will motivate both the students and teachers to work hard to pass the examination. As an exemplar, the minister of education pointed Malaysia which has a high passing grade of 7,0 for their national examination in 2007, whiles we only have 3,25 in the same year.

In the other hand, we as students really disagree if national examination becomes the only determiner towards the three years of study we’ve been through in senior high school. We believe that the completion of the high school study cannot be measured by our ability in mastering the global subjects tested. But we should also consider soft skills owned by each students. In additional, each school across the nation has different quality of teachers, educational equipments and capability in mastering the subjects. For instant, the students who happens to be victims of the Tsunami in Aceh would have psychological problems to master the subjects compare to those who survive

In conclusion, I believe that government national examination should be erased since it is lack of fairness upon the variety kinds of students across the nation. Instead, the government would have to consider the other aspects to determine high school students completion which will not become a big burden for all party.

Written By : Danial Hamzah for SMABA
Date : May, 18 2008

About Me!

A thinker & dreamer... Living beyond borders, learning beyond limits.

Born in Batu, East Java - Indonesia, Danial completed secondary school at SMA Negeri 1 Batu and continued to do his degree at Staffordshire University, UK majoring in International Business Management. Whilst still in college Danial co-founded the UCTI debating society following his passion for debates and intellectual discussion.

Danial's passion for traveling started in 2008 when he moved to Malaysia. In 2012 he moved to the states and landed on a job with a global education company which allows him to do frequent traveling for work.

Danial currently resides in the Greater Boston Area and can be contacted at danial(dot)abdat(at)gmail(dot)com

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